Build a shot projectΒΆ

We now build a Guerilla shot project. The shot project references differents files exported by the host softwares (animations, cameras, sets) and also references the look development projects.

First, let's reference the shot animation and the camera.

Reference the shot animation and camera
  1. Open a new Guerilla project
  2. Drag'n drop the files (Alembic, vdb etc..) in Guerilla or..
    open it using the Create > Create Reference command.
  3. In the Create Reference Options dialog box, uncheck Prefix.
  4. Check the Shot Camera > Main Camera attribute.

Now, let's reference the look development we prepared before.

Reference the look developments
  1. Using the Create > Create Reference command, reference the Guerilla look development project for every asset present in the shot.
  2. Prefix the look development reference using the same prefix than the asset in the animation file.

Each look development RenderGraph must be applied only to its asset nodes. There is different techniques to do that.

Apply the RenderGraph using References

This is the default method and the method used in the sample.

  1. Prefix the look development using the same prefix than the asset in the animation file (like teapot\: in the sample).
  2. Set the teapot\:RenderGraph > RenderGraph > Apply On attribute to reference. This is the default value.
  3. The teapot\:RenderGraph will be applied only on the objects prefixed by teapot\:.
Apply the RenderGraph using Tags

Here is an alternative method to link the look development RenderGraph to its objects using tags.

  1. Add a tag on the asset root node with the name of the asset (like teapot in this exemple).
  2. Set the teapot\:RenderGraph > RenderGraph > Apply On attribute to tags.
  3. Put the asset tag (teapot here) in the teapot\:RenderGraph > RenderGraph > Tags attribute.
  4. The teapot\:RenderGraph will be applied only on the objects having the teapot tag.
Apply the RenderGraph using a prefix

Here is an alternative method to link the look development RenderGraph to its objects using a prefix. Use this method if the look development RenderGraph is not referenced but imported in the shot project.

  1. Set the teapot\:RenderGraph > RenderGraph > Apply On attribute to prefix.
  2. Put the asset prefix (teapot\: here) in the teapot\:RenderGraph > RenderGraph > User Prefix attribute.
  3. The teapot\:RenderGraph will be applied only on the objects prefixed by teapot\:.

The shot is now built. We need to add or import lights. Then the shot project RenderGraph needs some setup.

Setup the shot RenderGraph
  1. Select the RenderGraph of the shot project.
  2. Set its RenderGraph > Order attribute to 10 (a higher value than in the look development RenderGraph) to make sure this RenderGrah is evaluated last.
  3. Enter the RenderGraph.
  4. Remove the Surface node.
  5. Add the overrides for the layering and the light linking.

A typical shot RenderGraph. It setups the light linking and the layering.